Disciple Making Communities (DMCs)

Disciple-Making Communities are communities of Christians gathering together to learn how to be healthy disciples of Jesus and how to make healthy disciples with Jesus in the everyday stuff of life.

We gather in this way because we want to see revival in North Orange County. We want to see fearful, distracted, and unequipped believers become biblically literate and confident to obey Jesus’ Great Commission. We want to see broken, isolated and unreached non-Christians transformed, discipled, and equipped to reach others with the gospel.

We long to see the Good News of the Kingdom permanently capture the lives of every person in North Orange County…and beyond.

What you will experience

DMCs gather weekly for two or three hours in a home, a coffee house, or even in a park. Food is often involved since the best conversations happen over a meal! The three DMC segments focus on “Living in the Kingdom”,  “Representing the Kingdom”, and “Servants of the Kingdom .”

Your DMC will:

Equip you . . . 

  • To share your testimony.
  • To explain the good news of Jesus.
  • To facilitate Bible Dialogues with seekers.

There is about an hour and a half of homework each week.

 Empower you . . .

  • To identify and use your spiritual gifts.
  • To read and interpret the Bible.

 Release you . . .

  • To go make disciples (and not merely “converts”) in your own context.

If you are interested in connecting with a DMC near you, or perhaps organizing one with a group of friends, contact us at connect@northcountyproject.org.

DMC Values

In the Spirit
We want to be directed, led by, spoken to, empowered, and gifted though the Holy Spirit. He calls the shots, we simply follow.
Being Learners
No one is ever done learning. When we take a learning posture we are enriched by God’s Word, other people, our experiences, and even our failures.
Relying on God's Word
We rely on the power of the Living Word of God to transform people; to inform our understanding of the world, ourselves, and our place in it.
Being Good News
As Christians we believe we are to embody the news we share in the way we live towards others.
Stepping Out in Faith
We take risks. We step out of our comfort and our fears, stepping by faith toward people that Jesus is reaching out to. We believe He will lead us when we do.
Since Jesus came not for results, but for relationship we pursue a growing relationship with Him and others
Fishing for People
We make pursuing people a priority. We initiate conversations about Jesus and are on the lookout for opportunities to Join God where He is at work in the lives of others.
Simple Multiplication
Like Jesus, we intentionally keep things simple so that others can pick them up and run with them.

Other Ministries

Prayer Walks

A spiritual practice in which we walk our local neighborhood and pray over it, inviting Jesus to show us where He is at work and how we can partner with Him.

Bible Dialogues

Open conversations about the Jesus of scripture for the spiritually curious. A great way to begin one’s faith journey.