“When I can base a decision more on values than on data, I am able to lead with great confidence and persuasive force.”—Richard Kriegbaum, Leadership Prayers, p. 104 “

Why do values matter?
Our values inform everything we do. If a proposal or decision does not align with our values we will not do it. Also, in a healthy community the values both reflect and shape the environment of the community and the relationships among those who are part of it.

So what are the ministry values of North County Project (NCP) and what prompts us to adopt these particular values? We value:
- Boldness inspired by gratitude. We dream of reaching the one million in North Orange County who do not know Jesus. We will keep at it no matter the cost. Why? Because of the magnitude of God’s gift of salvation. To reconcile us with God, Jesus became human, suffering and dying in our place. The resurrected Christ now offers us new life in Him. Our gratitude for this incomprehensible love inspires our boldness.
- Multiplication motivated by joy. Do we set goals? Of course we do. Do we have metrics for our work? Absolutely. Do those goals and metrics drive us? Absolutely not. We pursue the multiplication of new believers, disciples and prayer walkers because of the joy we have experienced as followers of Jesus. This joy motivates us, rather than goal-setting.
- Persistence fueled by love. As the apostle Paul says: …For the love of Christ controls us, because… He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised (2 Cor. 5:13-15). For centuries, Christians have had to overcome persecution, prison, physical abuse and (worst) ambivalence in their efforts to share Good News. They never gave up. Nor will we; not because we are stubborn or brave but because the love of God for us and all lost people fuels our persistence.
Working in the power of the Holy Spirit. Shortly before His ascent into heaven, Jesus told His disciples, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…” it would have been foolish of them to try to “make disciples of all nations” in their own strength. So they went to Jerusalem and waited for the promise. We want to be Spirit-empowered and Spirit-led—discerning where the Holy Spirit is already at work and joining in. This is why we place such a high value on prayer and seeking God’s direction
To find out more about North County Project or to apply for the LAB, a learning community of young adults preparing for a lifetime of ministry, go here.