We have begun to see a new kind of receptivity to Jesus at CSUF, the likes of which I have not truly known in my ten years of ministering there. In addition to having shared the gospel multiple times with people who have described themselves as “seeking” in the first week of the semester, we also had two students sign up to do Bible Dialogues in the next week.

Additionally, we have been invited by CRU to speak to their students about evangelism, and have built bridges to every single legitimate Christian campus ministries in order to start a unified prayer walk for the new semester!

What is the reason for this new receptivity? Some may suppose it to be a method or strategy or perhaps a product of our turbulent times… but we know where it comes from.

God’s generous response to prayer. Our God is a prayer-answering God who is seeking everyone to worship Him. He wants to reach the campus more than we do and wants to partner with us more than we want to partner with Him. He also wants to answer more prayers than we are willing to pray!

This is a good question to reflect on: Does the way I pray reflect that I am praying to a generous God who is already working and inviting me along? Or does the way I pray suggest I have to arm wrestle Him to show up? 

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