A Prayer only God could answer

Have you prayed for something that only God could answer? 

I started praying for one young person who is in a grief support group I lead; we will call him Jim (not his real name). Jim has struggled with the death of one of his parents. He had been learning a new religion than the one he was raised with. His parents practiced Catholicism and in his 20’s started to practice a different religion. About three years after struggling with his grief, Jim said that he wants to go back to his childhood faith and learn more about what his parents believed. By doing this he might grow closer to his parent who died and work through this grief.

I started to pray and ask God for Jim to do a Bible Dialogue with me. I asked God to open his heart to study the Bible with me. I prayed that God would bring together a small group of men to study the book of Mark together. God answered my prayers. One young man from my church texted a couple months later. He asked if I could meet with me and his friend, they would like to read the Bible with me. This was God’s green light to me to ask Jim to be a part of this new group. I asked the young man from church what day and time would work for him and his friend. We settled on a time, date, and place to meet.

So, when I called Jim to remind him of the meeting of our grief support group, I asked him if he would be interested in studying the Bible with me and a couple of other men. To my surprise, Jim said yes! That is when I knew that this was God’s answer to my prayers. We have been now meeting as a Disciple-Making Community (DMC) for the last two months. We have made it through chapter 3 of the book of Mark.  I know that God is leading this DMC because He has brought us together. Thank you, God for answering these prayers!  

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