“But Jesus called them to Him and said, ‘You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant…'” – Matthew 20:25, 26 (RSV)
It does not require genius to recognize the new spirit afoot in our country. The political left and right have made conflict and fury an art form.
Reporting on someone taking offense at another has become a media staple. Sins of one’s past (real or imagined) have become career enders. This spirit makes reasoned conversation about real ills much more difficult to sustain. Instead of reason we appeal to rage. Convincing those with whom we disagree is a waste of time; we must destroy them.
It feels like that to me, anyway. I find myself growing more and more ambivalent about the news. I really have no interest in the ranting and mockery, it only breeds despair. However, I do not want to live there. Consequently I spent some time in prayer considering this malaise of mine and seeking a way out.
No, God did not call me up to the top of the Placentia water tower to receive some stone tablets. Nor do I have an answer for the national debt ($70,500 for every man, woman and child-as of today). But God did remind me anew of what I already knew: we do not win playing by the world’s rules. Our battle is for hearts, not votes.
The mission of the Church has not changed in 2,000 years: “go and make disciples.” Do not merely react to the world, go out and proactively proclaim AND LIVE the Good News-not as political minions but as Spirit-compelled Kingdom dwellers. Love one another, love the lost, love the political fringes, love the trampled. Capture hearts and minds with the life-changing, neighborhood changing, society-changing message of Jesus.
I did not receive stone tablets, just a divine reminder: “I have not changed. My mission has not changed. Keep serving. Keep loving.”
Am I reacting to the world’s raging or proactively reflecting Jesus in the midst of it?