The first leg of the Disciple-Making Community journey centers on Jesus’ profound and unparalleled “Sermon on the Mount” – His manifesto of discipleship!

The Being

In a Bible dialogue through the Sermon on the Mount, disciples learn what it looks like to internally display the character of Jesus and how to practically become like Him. We spend time together on purpose and eat together because we believe relationships are the way disciples grow together.

The Doing

Each gathering session we dedicate a time to equipping where disciples will be given tools that will help them make disciples the way Jesus did. Each week homework is given integrating both the tools and the truths of discipleship into their own personal lives.

The Hope

Disciples will walk away from this leg of their journey with a more compelling vision of Jesus and what discipleship with Him is like. They’ll gain confidence in interpretting and sharing the Word of God and their testimony with others out of a profound joy. They will learn how to practically depend on the Holy Spirit for help and personal sancitfication. They will come away with deep life-long relationships and a clearer sense of how God has uniquely gifted them to participate in His kingdom.